2024 Rattle Chapbook Prize

15 January 2024

Who may enter
The competition is open to writers worldwide.

Short description

The competition is organized by the Rattle, an American poetry magazine.

Each poet may submit 15 – 30 pages of poems. Poems must be written in English. 

Individual poems may be previously published in any format, but the manuscript as a whole must be unpublished as a collection. 

Multiple entries by a single poet are accepted, however each manuscript must be treated as a separate entry, each with an additional $25 fee. 

Entry fee
The $25 entry fee is a one-year subscription to Rattle (or a one-year extension for subscribers).

The three winners will each receive $5,000 and 500 author copies of their chapbook, which will also be distributed to all of Rattle’s subscribers.

Competition website
For further information visit the official competition website. https://www.rattle.com/chapbooks/prize/

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