“Your Own Quotes”

Hey there! I'm (Name), representing (University), gearing up to make waves at the cutting-edge IBCC 2023!

Stepping onto the global stage, Initiatee Business Case Competition is a powerhouse platform where students can unleash their analytical prowess and tackle business challenges head-on. This year, we're thrilled to align with the overarching theme – "Sustainable Startup: AI Pioneering Tech Revolutions."

Join us in charting the course for a sustainable future, where innovation takes center stage. Our journey is all about crafting ingenious solutions that blend sustainability and groundbreaking AI technology, setting the stage for a new era of impactful innovation.

Ready to dive deep into the world of "Sustainable Startup: AI Pioneering Tech Revolutions"? Let's embark on this exciting adventure together!

 Save the Date! 
Unlock special benefit with Early & Normal Registration: September 3rd - September 9th, 2023 

Regular Registration: December 6th - 22th, 2023 
Dive into the action at 
Don't miss the hype! 

[Tag Your 3 Friends or Your Team Mate!]

For further inquiries, don’t hesitate to contact the IBCC 2O23 comitte immediately!
Instagram: @initiatee.ui


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  1. Login dan password yang digunakan adalah yang login yang digunakan di akses sistem akademik Untag Surabaya ( Hal tersebut berlaku juga untuk para alumni yang telah terdaftar di Untag Surabaya